Sejarah jaringan komputer bermula pada awal tahun 1960-an hingga ke tahun 1990-an . Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat (DoD) mengembangkan jaringan dalam skala yang besar,dan dapat diandalkan untuk militer dan alasan-alasan sains.Hal ini memungkinakan beberapa komputer untuk terhubung secara bersamaan melalui beberapa jalur berbeda.Satu koneksi dapat digunakan untuk berhubungan dengan banyak komputer pada saat yang bersamaan. Jaringan yang diterapka DoD nantinya akan menjadi jaringan yang mendunia dan pada saat ini disebut Internet.
Pada pertengahan 1980 pengguna PC mulai menggunakan modem untuk berbagi file dengan komputer lain, meninggalkan dan mengambil pesan, sebagaimana upload dan download file. Artinya satu koneksi dapat digunakan untuk berhubungan dengan banyak komputer pada saat yang bersamaan. Namun kekurangan dari tipe ini adalah sangat sedikitnya komunikasi langgung .Pembatasan lain adalah satu modem per satu koneksi. Jika lima orang terhubung secara simultan, hal ini akan memerlukan lima modem terkoneksi ke lima jalur telepon terpisah.
Seiring dengan bertambahnya komputer yang membentuk jaringan, dibutuhkan sebuah protokol resmi yang dapat diakui dan diterima oleh semua jaringan. untuk itu, pada tahun 1982 dibentuk sebuah komisi Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP ) atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Internet Protocol ( IP ) yang kita kenal hingga saat ini.
Untuk menyeragamkan alamat jaringan komputer yang sudah ada, pada tahun 1984 diperkenalkan system dengan nama DOMAIN yang lebih dikenal dengan Domain Name System ( DNS ). dengan system DNS, komputer yang tersambung dengan jaringan melebihi 1.000 komputer. pada tahun 1987 diperkirakan komputer yang tersambung ke jaringan tersebut melonjak 10 kali lipat menjadi 10.000 komputer lebih.
Tahun 1988, Jarkko Oikarinen berkebangsaan Finlandia menemukan sekaligus memperkenalkan Internet Relay Chat atau lebih dikenal dengan IRC yang memungkinkan dua orang atau lebih pengguna komputer dapat berinteraksi secara langsung dengan pengiriman pesan ( Chatting ). akibatnya, setahun kemudian jumlah komputer yang saling berhubungan melonjak 10 kali lipat. tak kurang dari 100.000 komputer membentuk sebuah jaringan.ertengahan tahun 1990 merupakan tahun yang paling bersejarah, ketika Tim Berners Lee merancang sebuah programe editor dan browser yang dapat menjelajahi komputer yang satu dengan yang lainnya dengan membentuk jaringan. programe inilah yang disebut WWW atau World Wide Web.
Tahun 1992 dunia langsung berubah dengan diluncurkannya perusahaan Search Engine Pertama, yaitu Yahoo!. yang dibangun oleh David Filo dan Jerry pada bulan April 1994.
Jaringan network dunia sudah berkembang sangat pesat terutama sekarang ini.
05 Oktober, 2009
sejarah jaringan komputer
Diposting oleh inue di 10/05/2009 09:38:00 PM 1 komentar
Label: sejarah jaringan komputer
23 Desember, 2008
10 Desember, 2008
VGA Card
processor, memory, and card VGA. Tries to derivable one specification of 3 this component, guaranteed annoyed on-board computer job.
From year to year development of same graphical card exclaimed it with processor. It's also looks like processor , where Nvidia with product GeForce is having foe with ATI ( now consists with AMD) with their Radeon product.
As costumer of course we do not be care with this encounter, anyway emulation of VGA is also profits , because consumer thus has many choices.
Costumer always profit ? Not even, quickly of technology development hardware and software frequently makes costumer to complain too. VGA ( Video Graphics Accelerator) card is one of computer component that absolute must there. Its process data graphics for presented in monitor .
Actually VGA card is one units of " mini computer" because this component has a processor(called as GPU or Graphics Processing Unit) and requires memory too. Called as VGA card cause this component of course is in the form of like card that put on the motherboard (mobo) through one special that slots of units. Because VGA card has processor
that releases temperature when operates, its sure there are the cooler peripheral
can in the form of fin metal with pipe temperature conductor ( heat pipe) or in the form of coolant fan (Heat Sink Fan/ HSF). Not seldom this VGA card have integrated grows into one with mobo, or the term VGA On board ( OB). Mobo with VGA OB of course not need again requires VGA card addition, except if when the VGA OB is felt " less sophisticated", able to be attached VGA card addition ( add-on).
VGA OB had integrated with its causing is ascertained not there will be problem unconformable between mobo and VGA. Though this unconformable case very rare, but sometime happened also at some type and Merck mobo with VGA type and Merck certain. The price of mobo with VGA OB approximately equal, or for some type/Merck, even more cheap compared to mobo without VGA. So we can say we get VGA " free of charge". This can become solution of economic that for budget limited. But do not mean VGA OB didn't to have insufficiency of if compared to with VGA add-on.
Diposting oleh inue di 12/10/2008 05:43:00 PM 0 komentar
Label: for english
26 November, 2008
Classification Of Computer
Hello ,,, we meet again .
This time , i will try to describe about classification of computer . we have knew now computer is a important part of our life so we must know to about computer .
Classification of computer have 5 type , i will try to explain that .
1 . Microcontroller
Microcontroller have all inportant tools as computer in one chip . and the tools is :
> processing
> memory
> input and output
Sometimes in micro controller have more than one chip in that motherboard .
Price of micro controller too is more cheaper than another computer .
2. Microcomputer
This computer use to single user , or we can call personal computer .
Design this computer is so modern and almost can understand what we want like a woman. (just kidding , yew )
This computer we use in our home or for application of business .
3. Engineering workstation
This computer is more power full than personal computer , a master of design use this computer . For example this computer is CAD ( Computer Aided Design ) .
4. Minicomputer
This computer made for multi user and time shared ,who want online in same time can use this computer .
Time shared mean computer can use in same time by 3 or more user .
For example this computer is IBM AS /400, and group user always use it .
5. Mainframe
This computer same with minicomputer but more expensive and more big . But this computer can process more often than minicomputer .
Yeah , i just can describe that . in fact still more type of classification of computer but till now i don't know what that . I'm so sorry for that ,,,
But don't worry , because ,,,,,,
It still continued . chihuahua
Diposting oleh inue di 11/26/2008 08:27:00 PM 0 komentar
Label: for english
19 November, 2008
Computer Virus !
A virus of computer can make your computer damage(example with damage your document), make personal computer have been disturb. Virus can make your computer missing some memory. Attack of virus can be prevent with some antivirus, this antivirus can heal a virus in computer. If in your computer have been worm and Trojan, can be heal with some antivirus. Example : kaspersky, AVG, antivir, pcmav, Norton, Norman, & mcafee. If in your computer you feel not comfortable, you must get the antivirus now and try to upgrade all of your computer. A virus maker can make a virus more worst and worst for computer. You must be careful with the propagation virus. If not antivirus in your computer, your computer will fast damage. Flash disk can easy to send a virus in many computer. There is many way to heal a virus, with upgrade your computer with many antivirus. Scanning all of your system, but sometimes it didn't work with some computer. You can try different type of antivirus. Try it now, let heal a virus in computer. Because it all just damage your computer.
Diposting oleh inue di 11/19/2008 09:58:00 PM 0 komentar
Label: for english
17 November, 2008
A Part Of Computer
In computer , have many support spesification example software , hardware , and many more .
I will try to describe hardware .
Hardware is a important component to make a computer , because with combine from many hardware , you can build a computer . So you can imagine how important hardware for you'r computer.
I can give you example of hardware ,
> motherboard , it is a mainplace for you'r computer and it the frist stape to build a computer .
> Memory / RAM , determine how fast you'r computer for open or read some program .
> sound Card , can take out voices / sound from you'r computer .
> Processor , you can choise many type processor . Because at this time many processor become more better than old time .
And have many more example of a computer . You can upgrade or repair hardware , if you think it will need for you'r computer .
Maybe this information not be perfect or have many mistake . I'm so sorry for that mistake ,,,
It's Continued . ,,,,,
Diposting oleh inue di 11/17/2008 07:10:00 PM 0 komentar
Label: for english
14 Oktober, 2008
A Computer
Computer is a device for process data according to the procedure and arranged. Computer from beginning is used for describe people who working and the job is do the calculation, computation arithmaric, with or without auxiliary tool, but the meaing of computer then remove to the machine. From the beginning computer is use just for calculation arithmatic, but modern computer is use for much homework who not related with arithmetical. Computer now have been a important partition in modern life , because almost all work used by computer . Computer have helped us to make the hard problem to be more lighter . computer can make our imagine come almost true , likes long distance relationship , make a robot , etc . There are many kind of computer , likes personal computer , bussines computer , arithmatic computer ,but we can choose all of that . In the future computer can be more better, and computer can make human life more instant .
This is the beginning of the meaning of computer ,
next , ...... TO BE CONTINUED
=== INUE ===
Diposting oleh inue di 10/14/2008 07:28:00 PM 0 komentar
Label: for english